Month: June 2024

  • Let There Be LED (Security) Light

    Out side of my flat is a path and small area of grass and bushes. On the far side of the path and a street light type of light lighting the whole area at night really well and I have to say having the light there makes me feel safer at night. However, from time…

  • Getting Mental Health Support Is Impossible

    I know that my mental health is progressively deteriorating. Thoughts of suicide are dominating my day and I’m finding it harder to fight against those thoughts. The few people who do see me all seem to think I’m doing so well because I’m “doing thing” rather than sitting back and letting the world just pass…

  • I’m Just A Little Bit Pissed off!

    I’m very lucky to have a beautiful Ford Puma ST Line Vignale to drive. It’s about to come up to it’s first birthday in a few days and it’s my pride and joy. Yesterday morning one of the residents in my block of flats a Mr Nick Wright who I will classify as a “toerag”…

  • Donald Sutherlad, Sadly Lost This Week

    It’s very sad to hear that the actor Donald Sutherlad has passed away this week. I always loved his acting from M*A*S*H to Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. One of the old time greats.

  • Such A Worrying Action!

    Apparently the governor of Louisiana in the USA has passed a law saying all school classrooms must clearly display a poster of the 10 commandments so that all students can see it. This crosses so many lines in my minds eye. When religious beliefs start driving political actions and in turn making modern laws I…

  • Why Do Some Police Officers Self-Destruct?

    A British Police Officer possibly has one of the best jobs in the world. They have job security as long as the don’t do something stupid. They have career development and progress opportunities. They have a good pension and more than all of this they have in my opinion one of the most interesting jobs…

  • They Say Everyday Is A Learning Day!

    They say that you should learn something new everyday. Well today I found out that HP Sauce (the best sauce) and Daddies Sauce (the second best sauce) both originated in my home city of Nottingham. Wikipedia says the following. . . . . . . .“Frederick Gibson Garton had a grocers and provisions shop on…

  • Am I Becoming A Plane Spotter!

    I’m noticing a worrying development in myself! in recent months I have popped out to the public viewing area at RAF Waddington in the hope of seeing a few fighter jets. Sadly on both occasions I managed to see absolutely but that hasn’t deterred me from planning a trip to RAF Lakenheath in the next…

  • Roland Davies, My Grandfather

    My Grandfather was a train driver back in his day. He worked for the old original L.N.E.R company and later for British Rail. In 1982 the rail network was at a standstill when the union ASLEF demanded a pay rise and instructed it’s members to strike. My grandfather didn’t agree with strike action saying it…

  • Scotland 1 – Germany 5……Oh Dear!

    What can I say Scotland. As much as you like to dream of glory, just like us in England you really don’t a football team. Accept it and move on. Maybe take up knitting instead!

June 2024