Month: August 2024

  • A Difficult Post To Make

    This is very hard for me to write about because it’s about a subject that sort of isn’t talked about normally. Since I was about 11 years old I have heard voices. Not the sort of voices of an inner monolog but voices like someone talking in the room. External voices that are impossible to…

  • Tonight I’m Fighting Demons So Hard

    Tonight I am fighting to stay alive

  • Different Standards!

    Back in the mid to late 80’s I loved getting on my motor bike and heading down to Kent and the Hells Angels MC Kent Custom Bike show. It was a gathering of like minded bikers, outlaws bikers MCC bikes and MC Gangs from all over the UK and Europe in a field getting drunk,…

  • Jermaine Jenas – Self Destruct

    I’ve talked about this sort of thing before in relation to serving Police officers. Now it seems that the problem is not exclusive to them. People in positions of trust, responsibility and influence taking actions that hurt others or at best are socially unacceptable and in the end destroying their future simply because the acted…

  • I wish I Could Make You Better Again!

    My mum is not well and has not been well for some time now. She is coming to the end of her life as we all do at some point. I so wish I could just go round, give her a massive hug and make her better again like she has done for me all…

  • It Will Never Be A Restaurant

    In my world McDonalds will NEVER be a restaurant. It will simply be a fast food/burger joint and it should embrace it’s heritage and stop being something it isn’t.

  • Keeping Appointment Times & Showing Respect

    For many years I attended customer sites all over the UK and even into Euroland. Making sure that I attended the customer site at the time we had agreed was, for me one of the most important things I could do. If I said I would be there at 09:00am then that is the time…

  • Some Neighbours Need To Learn Not To Medal With Things That Don’t Concern Them!

    I have recently installed an upgraded radio antenna outside of my flat, you can read more about it here. I find it absolutely infuriating that a certain neighbour thinks is is OK to mess around, poke and generally interfere with it. So I’ve had a small bright red and white plastic sign made up and…

  • They Are Not Real!

    For a VERY long time I have enjoyed the proper informative, educational and documentary type programming on the Discovery channel on Sky TV. But more and more Discovery are replacing this programming with low quality “FAKE” mockumentary programming and within that category so many of the programs are about ghost, the supernatural and bloody aliens….

  • Lets Not Forget The Muslim Anti LBGT+ Hatred So Quickly

    Today everyone is running around condemning anti immigration and anti Muslim protests and spouting how much we love Muslims and stuff. I agree, the recent so called race riots by right wing thugs are disgraceful and have no place in an educated society. However, lets not forget some of the scenes at the Nottingham Pride…

August 2024