Month: October 2024

  • Ned The Dog – Poor Little Fella!

    Ned, my mum and dads little Jack Russel and my best friend has not been very well over the past week. In fact he’s been very seriously ill with pancreatitis and for a few days we thought that we would lose the little guy. I’m very happy to say however that he is well on…

  • Sometimes You Just Find Something That Strikes A Cord In Your Heart”

    I found this and it made me cry as soon a I read it. See what you think….. “The true horror of existence is not the fear of death, but the fear of life. It is the fear of waking up each day to face the same struggles, the same disappointments, the same pain. It…

  • Anti-Social Behaviour And Drug Taking At My Flats!

    There is a person or persons who lives in a flat very close to me who smokes cannabis. I sit in my own living room and I can smell it. I open the door to my flat and it’s so strong I can taste it and as far as I am concerned this should not…

  • The Government Says Being Fat Is Wrong So They Are Going To Give You Drugs To Make You Conform To What They Want!!!!!!!!

    So, the new UK Labour government don’t think overweight people are “productive” enough so they will make us take drugs to force us to lose weight. There is something so wrong and so scary with this that I really can not put into words how I feel about it. It’s so wrong and immoral in…

  • More Eye Tretments

    My fight against diabetic macular oedema continued yesterday with the start of another 5 rounds of injections into my eyes each a month apart. It had been 2 months since my last set of injections but I should been seen after only 1 month. Sometimes I feel I’m battling the bureaucracy and apathy at the…

  • I Always Know When Something Is Wrong.

    I always call mum and dad at 08:25am every morning st to say hello and make sure everything is ok. I know almost even before they say hello if something is wrong. Turns out today mum has had a fall and hurt herself this morning and they are waiting for the doctor to visit or…

  • City Hospital Looks A Bit Of A Dump

    The City Hospital has always taken second place to the QMC in my view. I guess it’s much older and less “structured” and more a collection of old and new buildings and departments spared over a large but restricted site (no room for expansion). It’s been many years since I’ve had a drive through the…

  • I Saw The Moon

    With all of the problems I’ve had with my eyes recently I’ve not seen the moon for quite a long time. The other night I looked out of my bedroom window before going to be and there she was in all of her majestic beauty. I know the moon on one level is just a…

  • What Dreams May Come

    I sat and watched the amazing film “What Dreams May Come” staring Robin Williams this morning. It’s such a visually stunning film full of vivid imagery that’s both beautiful and at the same time frightening Dealing with at times difficult subject matters like death and suicide but also about how love will always survive no…

October 2024