37 years ago I was 21, indestructible, invincible and starting on life’s greatest adventure. I was a biker and as such the “Trip” as it should be called was my hangout of choice.
For my 21st birthday I had the bright idea of drinking 21 pints of Marston’s Pedigree, a bitter only slightly lighter than liquid lead! I think I made it to about 12 or 13 pints by mid afternoon and I don’t recall much else other than I managed to get myself back home to Arnold on a bus and for some reason that will never be known minus a shoe.
For the record, there was no fighting or any other anti-social behaviour on that or any other day at the Trip (or the Sal for that matter). I was nice to others and they were nice to me like most bikers back then were.
Happier Days maybe.
Today I have been sat outside the Trip reminiscing a little. I had some 80s rock music playing as as I looked on I realised that all my old friends are gone, the familiar faces, names personalities and bikes are all gone and I’m starting to realise I’m not indestructible, invincible and life is coming to the autumn time of my life.
But deep down inside that 21 year old kid still fights on and will fight on to the end.