906,000 Immigrants And Growing Every Day

There has always been immigration into the UK, that’s just a fact of life. In many ways some level of immigration is without doubt a positive thing. Balance that with migration and we are ok. The services and other resources that support our society keeps on top of it.

But now we are being flooded third world immigrants in ever increasing numbers, with their third world mentality and third world diseases/conditions and they are just overloading an already struggling system.

906,000 of them last year! That’s more than the number of people living in my home city af Nottingham setting up camp here in the UK EVERY YEAR!

You also need to consider that the 906,000 immigrants are the “legal” ones. How many hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants that we don’t know about are there?

I don’t know what the future will bring but something better than what is already in place needs to be done to stop the increase in numbers and it needs to be implemented, driven and funded by local and national government and it needs to be real action not just sounding like they are doing something for the media.

And it needs to be done soon.