Am I Becoming A Plane Spotter!

My New Little Toy, An 8×40 monocular

I’m noticing a worrying development in myself! in recent months I have popped out to the public viewing area at RAF Waddington in the hope of seeing a few fighter jets. Sadly on both occasions I managed to see absolutely but that hasn’t deterred me from planning a trip to RAF Lakenheath in the next few weeks.

I understand that while it is an RAF base it’s actually a USAF site and there are definitely “bad ass” fighter jets based there. I really hope to see the F-15 Eagle and the F-35 Lighting.

So, I’ll pack my new little 8×40 monocular along with my Icom R-15 scanner and a flask of coffee (or I’ll stop at a Starbuck/McDonalds), jump in the car and make a day of it.