I sometimes wonder just how politicians are able to find this arse with their hands tied behind them. Rishi Sunak, our glorious leader has gone on the record saying he will bring back conscription. Why not also say he will bring back the birch, caning in schools , rickets and hanging (although I am in favour of hanging actually) and all the other things that made the 50’s such a brilliant time to live in. Talk about being desperate to get the populist vote at any cost.
Think about it, the Armed Forces in Britten are one of the best in the world because they take on intelligent, motivated and dedicated recruits. Not some dole scrounging council estate dropout who wouldn’t know what to do if given an order and who wouldn’t follow it if thry were made to comprehend. The military and the volunteer sector doesn’t want anything to do with these sort of people so don’t force them to accept second best or even worst Sunak .