Don’t Forget, It’s Not Just Your Place Of Work, It’s My Home!

Jigsaw Homes

Over the last few weeks I have had an issue with my landlord, Jigsaw Homes. I don’t need to go into detail about the nature of the dispute but I do want to talk about how Jigsaw Homes conducted themselves from my viewpoint.

From the very moment the issue was brought to my attention to the final resolution, the entire matter was delt with in a very impersonal way.

From the very start Jigsaw’s approach was to make a demand rather than seeing if there was a way of working out a solution and compromise that suited all sides.

Because of this approach and my “vulnerable” status (which they are fully aware of) their actions put me in a position that lead me to having to go into hospital.

Even the final written conformation letter from them was so impersonal and threating that it actually left me feeling like I had done something so hideously wrong and nasty I felt ashamed.

Don’t forget Jigsaw Homes, this is just a place of work for you, a job that you do for 8 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week and you go home at the end of it.

But for me this is my home, this is the place that no matter what happens in the world I should be able to feel safe. But you have now stripped me of that feeling.

Jigsaw Homes, . . . . . . It didn’t ever need to be like this and because of the way you conducted yourselves will never trust you again.