Foggy Morning Bridge

Date: 02-06-2010 05:16am
Location: Wilford Suspension Bridge, Victoria Embankment
, Nottingham
Camera: Nikon D300
Apt: f6.3
Exp: 1/80sec
Lens: Nikon 35mm prime

As with many photographs I take I had been visiting this location on a regular basis just wating for the right light and conditions. On this particular morning I was on my way to catch a train down to London when I thought I would just see how the bridge would look in the morning fog and I wasn’t disappointed.

Because I had to catch an early train I didn’t have time to mess about so it was out of the car, a single shot, back in the car and away to the station without the chance to check what I had taken.

Turned out to be one of my best photographs and I think it caught the mood of the foggy morning perfectly.