Get Off Your Bloody Phones And Experience The Real World!

I was out and about in Nottingham yesterday and I noticed 2 “phone” related things.

The first was as I was sat outside Nottingham Castle having a coffee and doing my favourite thing of people watching. A bunch of four Chinees tourists walked buy be and all four of them were glued to their phone screens. Why do people do this, you were walking through one of the nicest parts of Nottingham on a lovely sunny day and you missed everything because of you bloody phone. So sad!

The second “incident” took place on Maid Marion Way when I was driving home. A guy just walked out into the road right into traffic. The bus to my right almost hit him and I had to slam my brakes on to avoid running him over and all because he was obsessed with looking at his phone. But what got me was the look of surprise on his face when he looked up from his phone and realised the STUPID situation he had put himself in.

Some days I really despair at humanity.