I’m Just A Little Bit Pissed off!

Damage To My Car

I’m very lucky to have a beautiful Ford Puma ST Line Vignale to drive. It’s about to come up to it’s first birthday in a few days and it’s my pride and joy.

Yesterday morning one of the residents in my block of flats a Mr Nick Wright who I will classify as a “toerag” while backing out of the parking space next to my car hit the rear nearside wheel arch and bumper. That in itself is bad enough, but thinking nobody saw what he had done he drove off without stopping, without leaving a note on my windscreen and without trying to find me or anyone else to report it to.

Sadly for him I have 24/7 4k CCTV front and rear in my car and at the same time other neighbours heard the impact, looked out of their flats and saw Mr Wright checking the damage before driving off.

Later in the day Mr Wright returned and when confronted about the hit and run admitted to doing it and said he did not hang around because he had other commitments. I’m sorry, when you damage someone else’s car your ONLY commitment at that time is to sort out exchanging details as stated by the following Police statement. . . .

“Don’t leave the scene, even if it’s only a minor scrape. Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act states that if you’re involved in an accident that causes injury to another person or damage to another vehicle, property or animal – you must stop or you’ll be committing an offence.

The matter is now in the hands of my insurance company who are arranging repairs for the damage, a hire car while the repairs are done and claiming everything back from Mr Wright’s insurance company.

I have also reported the matter to Nottinghamshire Police as a hit and run incident and I will be insisting that they enforce the full consequences of the law and prosecute this idiot of a man.