
As I’ve mentioned, I’m transgendered and this means I’m part of a much miss-understood and much maligned minority group. I understand that for many people they will not or do not want to understand what being trans means. They think it’s a choice, like one day I woke up and thought to myself I’m going to out myself as trans and see what fun it will be.

Well, that’s not how it works. I was born with these feelings, it’s part of me from the very beginning to the very last breath is take. There are many days that I wish I wasn’t trans because I suspect it would have made my life so much easier. I won’t say better but without question easier.

So I know lot of society doesn’t understand people like me and many members of society don’t want to understand people like me, I even think it’s becoming trendy to express hatred towards people like me. that’s OK. I understand that there are a small but growing number of people who actively “HATE” people like me and want to hurt us as much as possible in many different ways, that upsets me.

But what hurts me to the absolute bone is when people address me as “IT”. When they do that I want to walk away to a very dark place and seriously end my life. Calling me “IT” strips me of my humanity and my right to have a place in the world and it reduces me to a discarded object. It invalidates all the positive things I’ve done in the world, all the work I’ve done, all the help I’ve given to people all the times I cared about people.

Reducing me to an “IT” is reducing me to a nothing and a nothing can be easily removed from the world.