Mental Health!

I suspect that what I’m about to say is going to be a bit controversial but I’m going to say it anyway. It’s also going to be a very difficult post to write.

I hear more and more people in the media talking about poor metal health and stress and difficult jobs and so on and so on. I get the impression that some of them are trying to say that they shouldn’t experience any stress of any form of mental health issues in their lives.

Well, news flash guys. Difficult things, days and jobs are part of life and you need to stop using “my mental health ss suffering” as an excuse to avoid some of the more unpleasant things.

That being said, you need to manage your mental health and if it isn’t going well then you need to make changes in your life to protect yourself.

Finely, don’t confuse being a little stressed or unhappy with proper full on mental illness. I’ll tell you now and in no uncertain terms they are very different things.