My Dignity Is Being Slowly Eroded

It has massively saddened me today to see that “Government” feels it’s acceptable to victimise venerable transgendered men and women by passing legislation to force NHS Hospitals to at best move us out of sight into a side room or in the case of a trans woman forcing us into an all male ward and trans men into an all female ward when we need treatment according to a story in the BBC news.

For me, I can not begin to explain the humiliation of this sort of treatment. I thought that in recent years LGBT+ people were slowly being recognised as valid and upstanding members of society who want to just get on and live a normal life. But it seems that the conservative government feel they are on safe grounds to attack and degrade vulnerable people like myself probably because they think we won’t fight back and there aren’t enough of us to to threaten any upcoming elections.

In other words they can do what they like to us because they think we don’t count.

Let me just say this, if ever I have to go into hospital and I’m put onto an all male ward I will walk out and refuse any treatment even if that means I could die in order to hold onto who I am and to respect the struggle and fight I have had to go through just to be comfortable with myself. My dignity can be taken away from me without a fight.

“To be acknowledged for who and what I am, no more, no less. Not for acclaim not for approval. The simple truth of that recognition, this has been the elemental drive of my existence and it must be achieved if I am to live of die with dignity”

I could not have said it better myself