Well That Was A Surprise!

Good Customer Service

In this day and age good customer service is just something you don’t come across very often, if at all.

Yesterday however on 2 occasions my experience was different. First of all I popped into the local McDonalds drive through to pick up a spot of lunch and was asked to park in the waiting bay while they sorted out my order. I had to wait a little over 20 minutes and I have to say it was a little frustrating seeing everyone else come of go with their orders.

Eventually a young gentleman walked up to my car and handed over my long awaited order (nothing better than a paper bag of food!!). At the same time he said they were sorry for the wait and had added a complimentary bag of fries and an apple pie for me. Nice one McDonalds.

A few hours later I was driving home when I had a phone call from Sainsburys home delivery and the man on the other end of the call explained that they didn’t have the staff to cover the delivery I was expecting later that day. But instead of just saying there was nothing he could do and cancelling the order, he actually offered me some options to pick from. I picked one of those options and everything is good in the world of Sainsburys home delivery. Again, nice one Sainsburys.

Far to many times company’s and service providers when faced with a problem of their making just walk away almost with a “what do you want me to do about it” attitude and you are left having to get nasty with them or work out alternative solutions yourself. So it so refreshing on these 2 occasions when the service providers pre-empted the problem and fixed it without creating a drama.

My compliments to both service providers.