Month: April 2024

  • My Dignity Is Being Slowly Eroded

    It has massively saddened me today to see that “Government” feels it’s acceptable to victimise venerable transgendered men and women by passing legislation to force NHS Hospitals to at best move us out of sight into a side room or in the case of a trans woman forcing us into an all male ward and…

  • Good News About The King

    I am absolutely delighted to hear that the King is returning to duty after his cancer diagnosis this year. I like the King, he seems a decent, honest and understanding man and I hope he is around for many more years to come. GOD SAVE THE KING

  • The Fight For My Sight Goes On!

    I’ve been along to the eye casualty this morning because I was a little concerned that the sight in my right eye was starting to deteriorate a little. I thought it might be secondary cataracts setting in following my cataract surgery last October (2023). If that was the case then a simple laser treatment would…

  • St George And England Forever

    Today is St Georges day here in England. Be proud of who we are, where we have come from and what we stand for.

  • Get Off Your Bloody Phones And Experience The Real World!

    I was out and about in Nottingham yesterday and I noticed 2 “phone” related things. The first was as I was sat outside Nottingham Castle having a coffee and doing my favourite thing of people watching. A bunch of four Chinees tourists walked buy be and all four of them were glued to their phone…

  • The Pile Of Good & Bad Things

    The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things The good things don’t always soften the bad things but vice-a-versa the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant Dr Who

  • It’s That Time Of Year Again

    For a long time I used to ride big, powerful and fast motorbikes and every year about this time like every biker all over the world I start to make motorbike noises to myself, my right wrist starts to flexing and I feet the need to get out on a bike and experience the freedom…

  • Madness

    I truly love this and so sadly missed by many “You are only given a little spark of madness and if you lose that you are nothing”

  • Are We Losing Our Own Identity And Culture?

    I’m going to rewrite this post. I feel the original version rambled on and kind of lost the plot a bit. If you want to come and live in my broken but beautiful county then you are very welcome. But come and live by our standards, our laws and our ways. Don’t come here and…

  • There Are Badgers and Foxes Outside

    This year I’ve been watching some of the wildlife outside of my flat at night on my security camera. Turns out that if I point it out the window and turn off the night vision (a little counter intuitive) it will record excellent quality video just with the street light. One of the best things…

April 2024