What this place is about…….

Sometimes You Have To Stand Up And Be Counted – I fly This Flag For All Those Who Can Not

The purpose of the site is to give myself, as in ME, a voice in a world that seems to be getting louder and louder with everyone shouting their own opinions, problems and demands. A world where common sense, acceptance, courtesy and respect has vanished and been replaced with entitlement, demand and aggression.

It’s my attempt to question things that happen in the world and tell the world how I feel about what’s happening to my country, my home and my society.

Maybe it’s also a place for me to share with nobody in particular the struggles I face in life and the long term mental health issues that I battle against every second of every day which sometimes I win and sometimes I lose.

Writing things down here helps me better understand myself and my world and you never know, it might help someone else understand the world and realise that they are not alone.

But let me also make this very clear, this site/blog is not about “discussion”. I’m not open to listening about what you think about my thoughts. If you need to say something them I encourage you to create your own site/blog and voice your views that way. Actually, I encourage you to get online and say what you think, freedom of speech is one of the things I prize above all else so don’t lose it.