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At Christmas I was getting a little board and while sat doing an update for my “online presents” I started thinking it was time to shift the design of my web sites up a little bit.

I had been using a hosted Wordpress system and while this is great, I was starting to think it was getting a bit “clunky” and dated.

After doing a little online research I set up a test account with SquareSpace.

My goal was to replicate the functionality of the old Wordpress site but with a fresh new overall look and feel. First impressions and results were not so good but this was down to me learning a completely new CMS backend and getting it to do what I wanted it to do!.

After a few days sticking with it and completely frying my brain I finally had the results I wanted. A shinny new web site that looked modern and dare I say it, just a kittle bit sophisticated. The bonus for me was that I was able to combine both my personal and radio/tech blogs into a single site. Thus saves me some money and complexity in the future.

On 1st January I pulled the trigger and upgraded the test account to a fully paid up account and first thing on Thursday morning (2nd January) I committed and had the and the URLs pointed at the new site as well as setting up new email accounts for my old email address with Squarespace. It was vital that I didn’t lose contact with the outside world for very long while this switch over went ahead.

Now, on the 3rd January I’m in the final stages of going live and I’m waiting for the “internet” to disseminate the new DNS settings to all points which is causing the site to be a little bit flaky at the moment (as expected). But that should settle down in the new 24-48 hours.


I hope every day he lives is a nightmare of fear and pain.


So, I made it to the end of 2024 and the start of 2025!