Ain’t technology just amazing!

Way back in about 2005 I was doing some work at Hampshire Records Office installing a database. As we walked through the building we walked past a window and the IT guy stopped and with bucket loads of pride in his voice said “look at that. That’s a terabyte of storage”. and we all looked on in amazement. We had never seen that much storage in one place before and it was worth tens of thousands of pounds.

We were looking at a device about the size of a small city car (like a Smart Car) sat there humming away with a few flashing lights lights and a lot of air conditioning.

today, I’ve added an extra 1 terabyte of storage to compliment the existing 2 terabytes already in my Geekom GT1 Mega PC (a GT1 Mega is less that 6inch square and 2inch tall for reference) and the new drive is about the size of a large postage stamp and cost just £65! Not £65,000. No, just £65.

It’s hard to wrap your head around how much we have advanced in just 20 years!


Every day is a learning day!