Reform UK, a force for good or evil?
I am so conflicted regarding this party and the muppets who are running it. I agree that we need to implement better (much better) legal and illegal immigration control. As a country we just can not continue to support the level of influx of people.
I agree that if you are an immigrant in this country then you should respect our history, our culture and out laws and if you don’t, then you always have the option to go back to wherever you came from in the first place.
I agree that we need to reduce the number of people claiming benefits who have never worked a day in their lives and who have no intention of working. The “maximum” benefit system should be there to support those who have worked and contributed to the system. Those who sit on their their backsides all day drinking cans of larger, smoking fags and taking drugs while playing video games on their 55” TV and scream about their “human right” to live like that should be put on the absolute minimum of benefits and forced to change their attitude to working.
I agree with the principal of free speech. And yes, I understand that sometimes with free speech, things are said that I don’t agree with but like Evelyn Beatrice Hall said; “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,”
I agree with so much that Reform UK claim to stand for. But I am also very aware that hidden just below the surface are so many right wing radical, homophobic, transphobic and militant extremists like Tommy Robinson (Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) just waiting to step out of the shadows and take over should Reform UK ever become an influential political party.
In addition to the right wing extremists there are so many “muppets” who hold ridicules views and make statements that demonstrate just how disconnected they are from the struggles of living in the real world.
To me, this all says that until Reform UK can remove these elements from among it’s ranks I just can not fully align myself with them and vote to put then in power.